Assumed the Watch. Moored as Before. Review

Assumed the Watch. Moored as Before.
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Just finished what I consider is the definitive statement as to what is wrong with the current leadership of the U.S. Navy. Well written and to the point as why outstanding men and women are departing the officer ranks in droves leaving the Navy with a very shallow talent pool in which to select from its ranks officers that will command ships and squadrons. The USS Cowpens was a train wreak that because of cowardly senior naval officers that refused to acknowledge that naval higher authority by giving to Captain Graf command of the USS Cowpens it had given a ship to a female Captain Bligh. I recommend that all commanding and flag officers in the U.S. Navy be required to read this book.
GMC USN (retired)

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The USS Pelican, or the Pelican t as it was affectionately known, was the craziest, most nerve-racking ship in the navy. How was that possible, though, if it remained tied to the pier essentially for two years? This account contains the musings and observations of one junior officer attempting to stay sane aboard mighty Pelican. Likewise, it includes his attempts to do the same on a different ship this one doing circles in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

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