Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Truly an exciting, spellbinding book. This author's style of writing is imaginative and unique. I loved the way he explains the "technotalk" to the reader within his characters. For example, when the professor at the seismo lab explains to his students what a deep focus earthquake is or how GPS is used to track earthquakes, he is, at the same time, explaining it to the reader.
The book takes off right from the start and keeps your undivided attention to the very last page. This is difficult for any author to do, much less a new one, and I commend Mr. Thompson for captivating his audience and not letting go. Just when I thought I had something figured out, a new twist or turn would pop up and I was again trying to figure out where the story would wind up. Believe me, it kept my attention where I did not want to put the book down. There are some very famous authors out there who tend to bog down the reader with too many intrinsic, technical details that can "break a story apart." Not true for Thompson. While there are plenty of technical details to go around in The Tiger Cruise, they are handled in such a way to just give you enough - and keep the story moving.
This is not a great novel, but it's damn close. I'll be looking for Thompson's next book, which is sure to come. Great job by a new, and yet unknown author, but not for long. Like the DJ in Tupelo said about Elvis after his first record, "this boy's going nation wide." So too is The Tiger Cruise, and Thompson.
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The nuclear attack submarine USS WOODBRIDGE prepares fora Tiger Cruise, in which 14 civilian guests of the crew will get tospend the night on board. Among the civilians are the Captain's twoyoung sons and a retired computer programmer. The USS WOODBRIDGE isalso spending this time testing a new state of the art SONAR system.In the dead of night, Iraqi Republican Guards sneak several canistersof the deadly anthrax virus across the border. The CIA learns of theirplans, when the Iraqis are forced to kill a NATO inspectionofficer. The CIA sends a helicopter to stop them, but the Iraqis plowone of their trucks into the helicopter, enabling the truck carryingthe anthrax to slip into Jordan.Meanwhile, seismologists on the East Coast are puzzled by the curiousreadings their instruments are giving them. Could there really be anEarthquake brewing on the East Coast? When the earthquake hits, theseismologists are at first relieved, only to realize that the quakewould create a series of catastrophic tsunamis. Shortly thereafter,portions of the East Coast are severely damaged.The USS WOODBRIDGE, rocked by the deep-sea earthquake, surface to findthat the naval base at Norfolk is unreachable. The new SONAR they weretesting had been rendered useless by the shockwave. To make mattersworse, their reactor is leaking. The Captain must send his own tenyear-old son deep into the engine room to seal the reactor, whileanother one of the Tiger Cruise guests, the retired computerprogrammer, tirelessly examines the SONAR's computer code to fix thebug.The Iraqis evade NATO officials and sneak the anthrax aboard a retiredSoviet submarine, captained by a disillusioned Communist who longs forthe good ole days. The CIA use everything in their power to track theSoviet sub, only to realize that the anthrax was actually stored on astealth mini-sub. The three-man mini-sub, headed the long way aroundAfrica, is undoubtedly headed for the United States...but the questionis: where?A game of cat and mouse ensues with the CIA, the Russian Sub, and theIraqi piloted mini-sub. After missing the mini-sub with a Tomahawkmissile, it's now up to the damaged USS WOODBRIDGE to save theday. Fortunately, the civilian programmer fixes the SONAR intime. Unfortunately, the mini-sub is equipped with the latestdefensive technology and eludes every torpedo the USS WOODBRIDGE canthrow at them. In a race for the coast, the Woodbridge must doeverything in its power to stop the Iraqi invaders.
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